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Everything You Need To Know About Mobile SEO

As you are all aware, the majority of transactions in today's world are conducted via mobile phones. Therefore, if you are willing to engage mobile users with your website and make them loyal customers, then you must invest in mobile SEO. Mobile SEO is basically the practice of optimizing your content in order to rank better in search results. The main aim of this practice is to improve the organic traffic coming to your site from search results so that you can easily view the website on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This comprehensive blog will describe why mobile SEO is important and how to create an effective mobile marketing strategy.

Reasons For The Importance Of Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO plays a very significant role in today’s time. We have provided some of them below. Go through them.

1. Most people spend time using the internet on their mobile phones: It has been seen that 70% of people prefer to use mobile phones to use the internet. If you notice that most of the users spend a lot of time accessing the internet on their mobile devices, then you must ensure they have a positive impact on your site. If you are unable to adapt, then there may be the possibility that you may lose an abundance of leads for your business. Thus, it may have a negative impact on your business.

2. A mobile-friendly website will see more repeat visitors: If the users get a positive experience on your mobile website, then there are more chances of the visitors returning back to those pages. However, returning the visitors to your website will help increase the traffic and it may create leads for your business.

3. Mobile-friendly websites help improve the opinion of users: Nowadays, a major part of mobile SEO is adapting your website to provide the best experience for your audience. If you don’t have a mobile friendly website, it might increase the risk of people having negative perceptions about your website. Therefore, it is necessary to improve mobile SEO so that you can improve the opinion of the target audience related to your mobile websites.

Stepwise Instructions To Check For Mobile Traffic

Are you unable to check for mobile traffic and need instant help to do the same? If so, then you have reached the right spot. Below we have mentioned some of the simple steps to check the mobile traffic.

  • In the first place, sign in to Google Analytics and then navigate to Audience > Mobile.
  • After this, you will get the breakdown of the numbers along with the percentages of the website's traffic using desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • You may also explore the data for different periods using the on-screen data selector.

Steps To Check Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly With SEMrush

SEMrush is one such tool that helps you identify crawl errors for mobile SEO. The following are the steps to check mobile SEO using the SEMrush Site Audit tool.

  • If you have already got a site audit for your website, click on the Gear icon. It will open the drop-down menu, and from there tap on User-agent: SEMrushBot-desktop.
  • Now you are required to modify the user name for SEMrush or Google mobile bots. By doing so, Google will automatically generate reports.
  • Once you receive the reports, move to the Issues tab. SEMrush will provide you with more details of the issues found and give you some advice on how to fix such issues instantly.
  • Taking care of desktop SEO will help with some mobile SEO concerns, but there are also some mobile-specific SEO problems to take care of. These consist of:

             a) Optimizing the mobile user experience

             b) Content optimization for mobile users

            c) Management of technical mobile SEO

Mobile User Experience

It is a must for users to improve the mobile user experience. If you are unable to do so, you won't be able to stick around by your content for a longer time. The major SEO ranking factor depends on how long people stay on your website after clicking the link. These are some of the few steps to improve the user experience.

1. Speed Up Your Site: The first thing that you must keep in mind is to speed it up. According to Google, visits to the audience are abandoned when the site takes more than 3 seconds to load. Therefore, it is important that your page gets loaded within 1-2 seconds. For this, you must use Google's mobile speed test to check the speed issues. After this, you just need to enter the URL and the tool will automatically scan your site. Finally, it will give you a report on how your site compares and will suggest some fixes to improve the mobile page speed and mobile SEO.

2. Create A Responsive Website: You must ensure that your website is responsive. However, in order to give visitors a pleasant browsing and visual experience, responsive websites allow users to scale design elements according to the device.

3. Create A Seamless Experience: People usually switch between the devices to do the research, so it’s become more important to have a better experience. As a result, you must ensure that people can do anything on your site regardless of the device they are using.

Mobile Content Optimization

If you want to get people to stay on your website, then it is important to optimize the content for mobile visitors. No matter whether you are using desktop or mobile devices, content is one of Google’s top three search ranking factors. That is why to improve mobile SEO, one must have an outstanding content strategy.

Getting Ready For Voice Search

Nowadays, most people prefer to use voice technology on smartphones, which has led to an increase in smart speakers. An excellent way to expedite mobile voice search optimization is to focus on featured snippets and response boxes. In order to improve mobile SEO for answer boxes, you need to go through the following points:

  • Answer questions appropriately and relevantly.
  • You must use the questions in the headings
  • Also, you must add lists or tables to the article.

You May Also Read: How to Optimize Your Content for Voice Search?


We hope that now you know all about mobile SEO and what you can do to rank your mobile websites. Advology Solution is the top leading company that is heading towards the mobile first index. It is also well-known in the mobile search market and is the top-leading mobile SEO company in India.

Suggestion Reading: What Is Voice User Interface (VUI) Design?
